Posts tagged Dave Wondolowski
Ohio work outlook remains strong for 2025

The calendar may have turned to a new year, but for many of Ohio’s union construction workers, it looks like another year with an abundance of manhours available. “Work in the big cities is doing very well,” said Ohio State Building and Construction Trades Secretary-Treasurer Mike Knisley. “Some (other) areas could be better. Overall, I would describe the statewide outlook as plentiful. There will be enough work for all tradespeople.”

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OP-ED: Opening minds to investment in Cuyahoga County

With plans for a new, enclosed stadium in Brook Park, a redeveloped, world-class lakefront and the much-needed modernization of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, we are on the cusp of transformational change and progress for Cleveland and Northeast Ohio.

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Networking events cap off busy year in Ohio

With the year coming to an end, multiple regional building trades councils in Ohio held December networking events to cap off what has been a busy year. Among those in attendance at the events were building trades council leaders, including affiliated business managers and agents, area politicians, contractors and vendors, who gathered to discuss a variety of topics like the results of the November election, the busy 2024 construction season, how interest rates will affect the industry and what is expected to be another busy year in 2025.

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PLAs required for major Cleveland projects

Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb signs an Executive Order mandating Project Labor Agreements on all city-owned projects that cost at least $500,000.

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Craftsmanship Awards honor industry’s best in Northeast Ohio

The top journeymen, apprentices and contractors from Northeast Ohio gathered at Cleveland Browns Stadium for the annual celebration honoring the local union construction industry.
Held on Aug. 29, the Building Excellence and Craftsmanship Awards honored those who helped build and re-build the region.

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NABTU endorses President Joe Biden during conference

President Joe Biden spoke at the annual North America's Building Trades Unions Legislative Conference in April and received the endorsement of NABTU for his re-election bid.

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OSHA partners with builders, union on Rock and Roll Hall of Fame project

Just as a songwriter crafts pieces with the melody, harmony, and rhythm in mind from the beginning, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is embedding safety into its expansion project from the start. The construction stakeholders have signed a partnership agreement with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Cleveland Area Office to protect workers involved in the project.

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Wondolowski attends State of the Union Address

Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary/Business Manager Dave Wondolowski normally watches the State of the Union Address on television. He had to change his plans this year, as U.S. Rep. Max Miller (R-Rocky River) invited Wondolowski to be his guest on March 7 for President Biden’s the State of the Union Address.

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How Cleveland Port Board voted on repeal of its Prevailing Wage provision

On Nov. 9, by a 5-2-1 vote, the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority Board of Directors voted to repeal its Prevailing Wage provision. The Cleveland-Cuyahoga Port Authority is a public agency that provides financing solutions for economic development projects in Cuyahoga County and beyond. The Port Authority partners with economic developers, government entities and banks to provide funding options for projects in the private, non-profit and public sectors. According to its website, since 1993, the agency has funded 150 projects, issued $4.5 billion in bonds and leveraged $6.1 billion in construction.

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Acting U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Julie Su announces final PLA rule in Cleveland

Acting U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Julie Su visited Cleveland in mid-December to announce details related to the final rule to implement President Joe Biden’s Executive Order requiring Project Labor Agreements for most large-scale federal construction projects. This rule will help ensure large federal construction projects are completed by union construction workers, who will earn good wages and excellent healthcare and retirement benefits in exchange for performing quality construction work efficiently and on time, helping to complete the project on or under budget.

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Ohio’s building trades year-in-review

It was a busy year in most regions

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Cuyahoga County approves funding for new jail

Cuyahoga County Council voted on Dec. 14 to extend the County’s sales tax to pay for the new jail, set to be built in Garfield Heights. Taxpayers will pay the County’s 0.25 percent sales tax for an additional 40 years, which local leaders estimate will create enough revenue to fund the construction of the new county jail. The tax, which was set to expire in 2027, passed Council by a 6-5 vote and will stay on the books until 2067. The sales tax revenue has funded large downtown projects since 2007, according to The Cleveland Plain Dealer.

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Sherwin-Williams HQ celebrates project milestone

The Sherwin-Williams global headquarters project in downtown Cleveland celebrated an important construction milestone on Dec. 4 with a Topping Off ceremony. Two weeks ahead of the scheduled ceremony date, Sherwin-Williams leaders were joined by elected officials, construction workers and others associated with the project to mark the installation of the final piece of structural steel on the 36-story tower (616 feet high), which when completed, will be the sixth tallest building in Ohio. “It’s really a special day for us and for all of Northeast Ohio,” said Sherwin-Williams Chairman and CEO John Morikis. “We’ve been proud to be a part of Cleveland since 1866 and call this home.”

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Sisters Haven House

Affiliated members of the Cleveland Building and Construction Trades are volunteering their time and talent to help turn an abandoned home into a safe and supportive housing option for pregnant women. Located on Cleveland’s west side, the home is owned by Sisters Haven, a nonprofit organization that provides safe housing and loving communities to pregnant women and new mothers. Once work is complete, up to seven pregnant women will live there until their child is approximately nine months old.

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500 trades members attend 2023 Craftsmanship Awards

The best of the best in the Northeast Ohio construction industry were honored during the fifth annual Excellence and Craftsmanship Awards, held on Aug. 17, 2023. About 500 individuals, including Cleveland area tradesmen and tradeswomen, were in to see over 100 of their Brothers and Sisters recognized for their work on projects completed in 2022.

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Cleveland creates incentives to use Community Benefit Agreements

Cleveland leaders gathered on the steps of City Hall on June 27 to talk about the Community Benefits Ordinance recently passed by the City Council. Ordinance 297-2023 was passed on June 5. It is designed to encourage developers to use Cleveland-based, minority-owned and women-owned businesses for construction projects in exchange for incentives. The new ordinance will also create job opportunities for members of the building trades and provide a pathway for more Cleveland residents to join the trades. “I worked closely with the city on this, so I’m very pleased it passed,” said Dave Wondolowski, Executive Secretary and Business Manager of the Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council.

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Wondolowski calls out GCP’s double talk

The following article was an op-ed piece by Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary/Business Manager Dave Wondolowski. It was was first published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer and on May 21.. Wondolowski provided The Labor Citizen with a copy to publish in order to educate Cleveland-area building trades members about the Greater Cleveland Partnership and its preference for using out-of-state, low-wage construction workers on projects instead of promoting the use of Community Benefit Agreements.

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