Posts in Safety
OSHA partners with builders, union on Rock and Roll Hall of Fame project

Just as a songwriter crafts pieces with the melody, harmony, and rhythm in mind from the beginning, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is embedding safety into its expansion project from the start. The construction stakeholders have signed a partnership agreement with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Cleveland Area Office to protect workers involved in the project.

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The Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council (CBCTC) voted to oppose amending Cleveland’s City Charter to create participatory budgeting. The charter issue will appear on the November 7 ballot.  "...the reality is participatory budgeting is a gimmick that presents a very real danger to a city budget that is already cut to the bone.  Further cuts could do irreparable damage to City services and public safety,” said David Wondolowski, Executive Secretary and Business Manager for the CBCTC. 

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Acting DOL Secretary Su pushes workers’ rights

Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su strongly pushed workers’ rights enforcement to a Republican-controlled House committee that at times challenged her plan. Her testimony before the House Education and the Workforce Committee on June 7 was intended to be a discussion of the Department of Labor budget for fiscal 2024, which begins Oct. 1, but it also gave insight into how Su will lead the Labor Department.

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Shuler laments need for ‘Deaths on the Job’ Report

Holding a copy of this year’s AFL-CIO Deaths On the Job Report, an angry federation President Liz Shuler had a blunt message for the nation’s employers. “This report should not have to exist …These pages should be blank,” she said.  Shuler joined a large crowd in the U.S. Labor Department’s main auditorium to honor the 5,190 workers killed on the job in 2021, the latest federal data available, which is what the AFL-CIO uses for its annual report

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New law establishes elevator mechanic license

Elevator constructors who work in the State of Ohio will soon be required to obtain an industry license in order to ply their trade. On Jan. 2, Ohio Gov. Mike De-Wine signed House Bill 107, which mandated the licensure of elevator mechanics. The new law will affect the men and women who build, install or service commercial and industrial elevators, escalators and moving walks. The law will not pertain to those who install, maintain and repair residential conveyance systems such as wheelchair lifts and stair climbers.

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CBA Talks Break Down Between Laborers 860, Juvenile Court

CBA Talks Break Down Between Laborers 860, Juvenile Court

A group of union members working at the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court had contract negotiations halted as court officials opted to seek legal action instead.

Laborers Local 860 in Cleveland represents roughly 140 workers at the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court and Detention Center. These employees work in the Juvenile Detention Center with those in custody and on the administrative side working in office settings.

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