Prevailing Wage


Prevailing Wage laws require construction contractors who work on publicly funded projects to pay construction workers at least the prevailing wages and benefits in the area in which they are working. Prevailing Wages are the actual hourly wages, benefits and overtime to be paid to workers, as calculated by the U.S. Department of Labor for construction trades.

The State of Ohio’s Prevailing Wage Law has been in effect since 1931 in order to prevent building contractors from undercutting workers’ wages and benefits and to help reinforce the local economy.

Extensive research has consistently shown that Prevailing Wage laws benefit all building-trades industry workers, construction project owners and the public in general. Data regularly demonstrates that these laws do not result in significant cost variations on construction projects and, in fact, result in savings due to better investment in the workforce and the resultant higher-quality construction.

Prevailing Wage laws keep overrun costs low and quality high through utilizing a workforce that is paid properly to do the job right the first time.